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Sounding the Shofar requires practice and persistence. The shofar is sounded the same as would a trumpet or any other brass instrument. The sound is caused by the air being blown through the lips into the shofar; the sound vibrations produced resonate through the horn producing the tone. However, unlike other instruments, the shofar only has the mouthpiece with which to product notes.
To produce a sound, seal your lips. Place the shofar mouthpiece gently to them. Concentrate on keeping your lips closed, but create a small hole in the lips at the point of the mouthpiece. Forcefully blow out past the lips and into the shofar. Hopefully, this will result in a clear, crisp sound.
The lips closed loosely produces lower notes, whereas the tighter the lips are held, mid range and higher notes are obtained.  Air flow can be improved by extending your chin upwards and breathing from your diaphragm ensuring that all the air is going into the Shofar.  It is important to remain relaxed.
Remember, sounding the shofar is difficult. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! Relax and enjoy as you practice sounding your shofar… even the first sounds will be beautiful!



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